Shift in Pre-Sales Strategy from Cold Calling to Soulful Social Engagement
Engaging Customers on Social Platforms
In 21st century most of the hunt down for the solutions happen through online search. Most definitely the first round of research and comparison of services or products or solutions in general happens through online desk research. As a growing service provider catering to customers with happening CRM solutions to solve their business challenges we understood their search trajectory. This blog is all about how we discovered our strategy and transitioned from cold calling to engaging potential customers with meaningful content in the social platform.
Why we began?
It struck us like lightening – as any traditional sales process would demand we too sourced the leads list in the beginning. Our well trained and confident sales resources spent their hours hunting for people in the dark in the name of cold calling. At the end of a marked period we realized that people don’t like being called. We are certain about the quality of services and solutions we are capable of delivering yet we were unable to convey it to our target audience. Then it dawned upon us that we after all did not have to to interrupt our potential clients with cold calls. Rather they were willing to engage with us on social platforms provided we offer them valuable piece of content that they are specifically looking for.
Certainly, we looked around for inspiration and not only embraced the transition but also worked on it. We are not negating the possibilities and outcomes of cold calling but, we understood the value of building a consistent mechanism to engage the target audience with evolving and value adding content in a place where they are willing to spend time and find you by themselves. Yes! we have grown to accept that cold calling cannot be the first step any more but a follow up call even to a first time lead after an effective social media campaign can result in a positive response provided you do a good job in delivering engaging content in your social platforms consistently.
How we materialized?
“Consistency in diversity” was our mantra. So, by consistency we mean both regular engagement and constant presence in the social platforms and also consistency in terms of quality of content we shared with our audience. By diversity we mean not being stuck with just one platform nor we picked what we thought was popular but aligning ourselves with the diversity of today’s digital crowd. We constructed multiple profiles across different platforms and interacted with content specific to that. For example: we researched and learnt about the rise of video search. With Youtube being the second most sought after search engine next to Google we prepared ourselves by creating interactive videos to engage with our prospects. Another interesting knowledge we gained is this journey is about the dominance of “mobile-first-indexing” by google along with popularity of voice search. This helped us create our content with the right keywords that will help our audience reach us easily. This is apart from a mobile friendly site we have which becomes our integral home to connect with all our social media posts.
One another interesting insight we could offer is – make sure the content you present is not leading to what is called as “social selling” which is as good as “cold calling only from a different medium” but ensure its socially engaging. To elaborate – Posting simply about the services and solutions have in your portfolio with jazzy images and decorative adjectives will be ignored as yet another advertisement. However, addressing and highlighting the pain points you have learnt in your previous experience and which you expect more players are dealing with in their businesses and saying that you could solve those is an engaging content.
And the rest is history…
Although initially we struggled with creating and building these contents we were determined to move forward, and that perseverance helped us keep at it. Constant and consistent presence helped us keep our clients close and prospects closer. Repeat audience and visitors showed us the trust we have established, and people came back to read and view the awesome content we have to share. Soon we are venturing into Podcasts and webinars too.
Stay hungry! Stay Excited! A lot more to come with CloudChoice…